Thursday, August 18, 2011

Starting Off the Year with Technology

Welcome to the 2011-12 school year! As you begin planning for the school year, I encourage you to think about where technology fits into your planning process. Do you add technology to your instruction as an after thought, or do you integrate it into how you plan for teaching and learning within your classroom? If your tendency is to do your lesson planning first and add technology second, then this is the time for you to think about what your classroom could potentially look like if you integrate technology all along the way. 

Now, I'm not suggesting that you change the way you do everything in your classroom. If you're just beginning to think about how technology can transform your teaching, then you need to start small. Choose one traditional learning task, project, or assessment and think about how you might turn it into a technology-based task. I would love to meet with you to help you think through how to do that. 

There are many ways that I'm available to support you this school year. Take a look at the word cloud at the top of this blog to see just a few of the ways that I can help you integrate technology into your teaching. In addition, we have formed a team of teachers who are available to provide instructional technology support to you within your building. These teachers make up the NCCS Tech Team. These teachers will be leading district-wide technology trainings throughout the school year. They are also available to support you through collaborative planning, model lessons, and resource sharing. Your Tech Team member and I are here to help you use technology to impact teaching and learning in your classroom. Below are your Tech Team members.

Conover School - Jeremy Ross
Shuford Elementary - Cindy Geddes
South Newton Elementary - Julie Bowman
Thornton Elementary - Mandy Cobb
Newton-Conover Middle School - Andrea Ward
Newton-Conover High School - Jessica Faltermeyer
Newton-Conover Health Science High School - Jody Dixon

The Tech Team and I will use this blog to share ideas and resources with you each week. If you would like to receive email notifications each time the blog is updated, please enter your email address in the "Follow by Email" box in the upper right corner. You can also access this blog anytime from the NCCS home page. Click on Departments - Technology - Jayme's Tech Tips for Teachers. 

I hope your start to the new school year is a smooth one. Please let me know how I can support you. I look forward to working with you this year!

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